
I offer clinical supervision for psychotherapists and counsellors within my private practice. Supervision is a space to reconnect with who you are as a therapist. It gives you time to clarify what is essential in your relationships with clients and to focus your attention on how you can be most helpful to them. This can help you work through places of confusion, stuckness or conflict in your work. It can also help you overcome the barriers that you, your clients, or the service you work from may be experiencing, and encourage new perspectives.

I use an integrative approach to supervision, supporting therapists to cultivate effective therapeutic relationships, facilitate growth, develop professionally, and practice ethically. I see supervision as an essential element of professional self-care, and crucial in helping therapists to experience their practice as enjoyable, fulfilling, and effective. I trained in supervision at the Sherwood Institute (PG Diploma in Clinical Supervision, 2017).

How my supervision service works

You can contact me to arrange a free 15-minute telephone call to meet me and consider whether we may be able to work together.

I work on Thursdays and Fridays between 9:30am and 4:00pm.

We will arrange an initial session where we will create a supervision agreement to help us clarify how we are going to work together effectively. We will explore what you are wanting to learn in supervision, how it will meet your professional needs, how you would like to develop in your practice, and consider what approaches I may use to support you. We will arrange our sessions to suit the amount of time you need monthly.

All sessions cost £70 per 1 hour. I accept payment on the day of the session by bank transfer.

Get in touch

Contact me to arrange a free 15 minute telephone consultation. You can email, or use the contact form below.